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文档 Quantum tunnelling in a dissipative system.pdf
A. O. Caldeira, A. J. Leggett, Quantum tunnelling in a dissipative system, Annals of Physics, Volume 149, Issue 2, September 1983, Pages 374-456, ISSN 0003-4916, DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(83)90202-6.
文档 Thermal and Mechanical Effects in the Spreading of a Liquid Film Due to a Change in the Apparent Finite Contact Angle.pdf
文章: Thermal and mechanical effects in the spreading of a liquid film due to a change in the apparent finite contact angle 作者: Wayner, PC 期刊: Journal of heat transfer ISSN: 0022-1481 日期: 1994 卷: 116 期: 4 第 页 938
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