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文档 可降解镁锌合金肋骨固定应用于肋骨骨折内固定的动物实验研究-基础-王露黔-查找.pdf
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文档 Spontaneous intercostal lung herniation complicated by rib fractures_ a therapeutic dilemma-病例-王露黔-查找.pdf
/MediBone文献/肋骨骨折/Spontaneous intercostal lung herniation complicated by rib fractures_ a therapeutic dilemma-病例-王露黔-查找.pdf
文档 Spontaneous intercostal lung herniation complicated by rib fractures_ a therapeutic dilemma-病例-王露黔-查找.pdf
/MediBone文献/肋骨骨折/Spontaneous intercostal lung herniation complicated by rib fractures_ a therapeutic dilemma-病例-王露黔-查找.pdf
文档 Spontaneous intercostal lung herniation complicated by rib fractures_ a therapeutic dilemma-病例-王露黔-查找.pdf
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文档 Pitfalls associated with open reduction and internal fixation of fractured ribs-综述-王露黔-文献查找.pdf
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文档 Pitfalls associated with open reduction and internal fixation of fractured ribs-综述-王露黔-文献查找.pdf
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文档 The usefulness of ultrasound in the diagnosis of patients after chest trauma - two case reports-病例-王露黔-查找.pdf
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文档 Comparative evaluation of continuous intercostal nerve block or epidural analgesia on the rate of respiratory complications, intensive care unit, and hospital stay following traumatic rib fract-临床-王露黔-查找.pdf
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文档 爱爱医资源-影像专家鉴别诊断 - 胸部分册_刘士远.pdf
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