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文档 The Moral Concerns in the Reception of Roman Poetry in China. doc.doc
The Moral Concerns in the Reception of Roman Poetry in China. doc.doc
影视 10x10 - Follies of the Living - Concerns of the Dead.mkv
文档 MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF.pdf
Maximize separation of concerns by taking advantage of WPF and Silverlight's rich binding system, templates, and commanding infrastructure Discover the built-in support for MVVM in Entity Framework and WCF Create unit testable user interfaces the MVVM way Work in parallel with minimal dependencies b
文档 Ethnic_Food_Business_Plan.pdf
Business Plan for a Food Restaurant. 37 pages in total. Analyze and Plan for the business for different fileds, includes financial, operation, marketing, HR concerns.
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